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How to suppress the "Division by zero" error and set the result to null for the whole application?



How to suppress the "Division by zero" error and set the result to null for the whole application? By saying "for the whole application", I mean it is not for a single expression. Instead, whenever a "Division by zero" error occurs, the result is set to null automatically and no error will be thrown.

like image 815
Ethan Avatar asked Sep 16 '10 23:09


People also ask

Which error type will result if you try to divide by zero in a program?

Definition. Division by zero is a logic software bug that in most cases causes a run-time error when a number is divided by zero.

How do you get rid of the divide by zero error in Python?

The Python "ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero" occurs when we try to divide a floating-point number by 0 . To solve the error, use an if statement to check if the number you are dividing by is not zero, or handle the error in a try/except block.

Which interrupt get generated when divide by zero error occur?

The operating system sets up the functions (interrupt handler, exception handler) for each event. When a divide by zero occurs, it triggers an exception. The CPU responds by invoking the exception handler in the interrupt vector corresponding to a divide by zero.

1 Answers

This should do the trick.

$a = @(1/0); 
if(false === $a) {
  $a = null;



See the refs here error controls.


function division($a, $b) {
    $c = @(a/b); 
    if($b === 0) {
      $c = null;
    return $c;

In any place substitute 1/0 by the function call division(1,0).

EDIT - Without third variable

function division($a, $b) {         
    if($b === 0)
      return null;

    return $a/$b;
like image 154
Igor Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10
