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How to sum time string in an array?

Suppose, I've an array of different time string.

let a: any = ["7:20", "5:50", "6:30"];

I want to sum up these HH:mm time strings. I am building up an app using Ionic 4 (Angular). I have already used momentjs for these. But, unfortunately yet I can't find any solution.

Update: Expected Result: 7:20 + 5:50 + 6:30 = 19:40 (HH:33)

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Abhijit Mondal Abhi Avatar asked Jan 23 '19 08:01

Abhijit Mondal Abhi

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1 Answers

You can treat time as moment durations that can be summed up:

const any = ['7:20', '7:52', '5:03', '1:01', '9:02', '6:00'];

const sum = any.reduce((acc, time) => acc.add(moment.duration(time)), moment.duration());

console.log([Math.floor(sum.asHours()), sum.minutes()].join(':'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.23.0/moment.min.js"></script>
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antonku Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
