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How to Subtract a Vector Path from a Rectangle in Sketch

How does one subtract a vector path in Sketch. Shapes are straightforward and text is also doable. The white lines in the attached images need to be cuts through the rectangle. Suggestions?

enter image description here

like image 968
Aaronium112 Avatar asked Jul 17 '17 17:07


1 Answers

You need to convert the vector-path to outlines first.

  1. Select the desired element with outlines
  2. Choose inside the menu: Layer > Convert to Outlines (⇧⌘O)
  3. Select the elements you want to combine
  4. Choose (Subtract, Intersect or Difference)

enter image description here

Update: added an inline GIF for better visual reference

like image 73
Gerrit Halfmann Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Gerrit Halfmann