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Material-UI sketch files

Are there any existing PSD or Sketch (preferred option) files for Material-UI components available?


I can use Sketch build in Material Design Template v2 for mockups but I am not sure if that is an accurate representation of the components for prod design. And that is something that can cause issues later on.


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Kimmo Hintikka Avatar asked Aug 08 '16 16:08

Kimmo Hintikka

1 Answers

Material-UI has an official version for Sketch, they are an accurate representation of production and kept in sync with the React components.

Material-UI for Sketch


  • Sketch has a few symbols for Material Design but they cover very few of the components and an outdated version of the specification.

  • Material Design has a Sketch plugin but it supports fewer components than Material-UI and doesn't use the same wording/structure as Material-UI that makes it harder to move from design to implementation.

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Helena Simões Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Helena Simões