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How to structure REST resource hierarchy?


I'm new to server side web development and recently I've been reading a lot about implementing RESTful API's. One aspect of REST API's that I'm still stuck on is how to go about structuring the URI hierarchy that identifies resources that the client can interact with. Specifically I'm stuck on deciding how detailed to make the hierarchy and what to do in the case of resources being composed of other resource types.

Here's an example that hopefully will show what I mean. Imagine we have a web service that lets users buy products from other users. So in this simple case, there are two top level resources users and products. Here's how I began to structure the URI hierarchy,

For users:

/users       /{id}            /location            /about            /name            /seller_rating            /bought            /sold 

For products:

/products          /{id}               /name               /category               /description               /keywords               /buyer               /seller 

In both of these cases objects in each hierarchy reference a subset of the objects in the other hierarchy. For example /users/{id}/bought is a list of the products that some user has bought, which is a subset of /products. Also, /products/{id}/seller references the user that sold a specific product.

Since these URI's reference other objects, or subsets of other objects, should the API support things like this: /users/{id}/bought/id/description and /products/{id}/buyer/location? Because if those types of URI's are supported, what's to stop something like this /users/{id}/bought/{id}/buyer/bought/{id}/seller/name, or something equally convoluted? Also, in this case, how would you handle routing since the router in the server would have to interpret URI's of arbitrary length?

like image 827
martega Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 22:03


People also ask

What is resource path in REST API?

You can set the path or suffix used for a REST resource included in a REST API descriptor. By default, each REST resource in a REST API descriptor derives its path from the namespace of the REST resource. For example, if the REST resource is named myREST. myRESTResource, the path is “/myREST. myRESTResource”.

2 Answers

The goal is to build convenient resource identifiers, don't try to cross-reference everything. You don't have to repeat your database relations in URL representation :)

Links like /product/{id}/buyer should never exist, because there already is identifier for that resource: /user/{id}

Although it's ok to have /product/{id}/buyers-list because list of buyers is a property of product that does not exist in other contexts.

like image 156
Anri Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10


You should think of it in a CRUD fashion, where each entity supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete (typically using GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP verbs respectively).

This means that your endpoints will typically only go one level deep. For instance


GET    /users       - Return a list of all users (you may not want to make this publically available) GET    /users/:id   - Return the user with that id POST   /users      - Create a new user. Return a 201 Status Code and the newly created id (if you want) PUT    /users/:id   - Update the user with that id DELETE /users/:id  - Delete the user with that id 

Going into more detail, such as /users/:id/about is likely not necessary. While it may work, it may be getting slightly overspecific.

Perhaps in your case you could add in:

GET    /users/:id/bought - Array of products that the user bought GET    /users/:id/sold   - Array of products that the user sold 

where you could return a list of id's (which can be fetched through the products API), or you could populate the Products before sending them back if you wish. If you do choose to populate them, you probably should not then populate users referenced by each product. This will lead to circular includes and is wrong.

And for Products, in your sitation I would use:

GET    /products- Return a list of all products GET    /products/:id   - Return the products with that id POST   /products- Create a new product. Return a 201 Status Code and the newly created id (if you want) PUT    /products/:id   - Update the product with that id DELETE /products/:id  - Delete the product with that id  GET    /products/:id/buyers     - Array of who bought the product GET    /products/:id/sellers    - Array of everyone selling the product 
like image 40
Nick Mitchinson Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10

Nick Mitchinson