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Best practice for ensure user is logged in or out using cookieStore and AngularJS


Right now I am building an AngularJS based application on top of Ruby on Rails and using Devise for authentication. I have the server responding properly when a user authenticates successfully and when authentication fails. I guess my question is, using $cookieStore, what's the best practice for knowing if a user is logged in or not? There is a cookie that gets set by Rails called "myapp_session", but that session doesn't necessarily mean a user is logged in. Looking for ideas on how to use AngularJS to keep user online/offline management. I'll still be ensuring that requests that require authorization get authorized by the backend regardless of the solution.

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randombits Avatar asked Jul 31 '13 23:07


People also ask

How to delete cookie in AngularJS?

If you want to delete all the information in a cookie completely, use the deleteAll() function instead. Below is an example highlighting its usage: Hope these quick and easy to use pointers enhance your experience while working with Angular 8 based applications!

2 Answers

You can create an directive that set up the logged user when the application loads, for example, requesting the current user session on your server.

angular.module('Auth', [         'ngCookies'     ])     .factory('Auth', ['$cookieStore', function ($cookieStore) {          var _user = {};          return {              user : _user,              set: function (_user) {                 // you can retrive a user setted from another page, like login sucessful page.                 existing_cookie_user = $cookieStore.get('current.user');                 _user =  _user || existing_cookie_user;                 $cookieStore.put('current.user', _user);             },              remove: function () {                 $cookieStore.remove('current.user', _user);             }         };     }]) ; 

And set in your run method in AppController:

   .run(['Auth', 'UserRestService', function run(Auth, UserRestService) {              var _user = UserRestService.requestCurrentUser();             Auth.set(_user);         }]) 

Of course if any request to the server return an Http Status 401 - Unauthorized, you need to call the Auth.remove() service to remove the user from cookie and redirect the user to login page.

I use this approach and works very well. You can also use the localStorage, but the user data will be persisted for a long time. Unless you set an expiration date for this authentication, I don't see as best practice.

Keep in mind to always verify the user credentials on your server site =)


To listen to 401 - Unauthorized server response, you can put an interceptor on your $http request, like this:

 .config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', '$httpProvider', function ($urlRouterProvider, $routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider) {         $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/home');         var interceptor = ['$location', '$q', function ($location, $q) {              function success(response) {                 return response;             }              function error(response) {                  if (response.status === 401) {                     $location.path('/login');                     return $q.reject(response);                 }                 else {                     return $q.reject(response);                 }             }              return function (promise) {                 return promise.then(success, error);             };         }];          $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(interceptor);     }]) 

Every call with 401 response, the user will be redirected to login page at /login path.

You will find a good example here

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Deividi Cavarzan Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10

Deividi Cavarzan

You can set the cookie on your login callback with

$cookieStore.put('logged-in', some_value) 

Then check for it when they enter your site with

.run(function($cookieStore) {     if ($cookieStore.get('logged-in') === some_value) {         let him enter     }     else {         you shall not pass     } }); 

There might be more "correct" ways, but this works.

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Zack Argyle Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10

Zack Argyle