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MySQL Trigger on after insert


I am new to MySQL. I have two tables total_loaner and available_loaner. I am trying to create a trigger for every new row added in total_loaner, I would also like to add that new row to available_loaner.

Here how my tables look like:

CREATE TABLE `total_loaner` (   `Kind` varchar(10) NOT NULL,   `Type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,   `Sno` varchar(10) NOT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`Sno`) )  CREATE TABLE `available_loaner` (   `Kind` varchar(10) NOT NULL,   `Type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,   `Sno` varchar(10) NOT NULL,   `Status` char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',   PRIMARY KEY (`Sno`) )  

My trigger does not seem to work.

CREATE TRIGGER new_loaner_added  AFTER INSERT ON 'total_loaner' for each row begin INSERT INTO available_loaner (Kind, Type, Sno, Status) Values (new.Kind, new.Type, new.Sno, 'Available'); END; 
like image 999
Mishal Dholakia Avatar asked Sep 10 '13 20:09

Mishal Dholakia

1 Answers

In your case you can rewrite your trigger like this

CREATE TRIGGER new_loaner_added  AFTER INSERT ON total_loaner FOR EACH ROW    INSERT INTO available_loaner (Kind, Type, Sno, Status)   VALUES (NEW.Kind, NEW.Type, NEW.Sno, 'Available'); 


  • single quotes removed from table name total_loaner, because quotes effectively makes it a string literal instead of a proper identifier. You can use back ticks if you want but it's unnecessary since it's not a reserved word and it don't contain any special characters.
  • since it's a one-statement trigger now you don't need to use DELIMITER command and BEGIN...END block

Here is SQLFiddle demo

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peterm Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09
