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How to stream videos through HTML5?

I need to stream videos through HTML5. Is that possible, are there any free sources to try that into my own application? Thanks!

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Ahmad Farid Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 00:04

Ahmad Farid

People also ask

How does HTML5 video streaming work?

HTML5 video is when you put a <video> tag in your web page and set a certain src for it. HTML5 streaming is the same thing but when src points not to a complete video file but rather to an ever-updating video stream. YouTube does HTML video, Twitch does HTML5 streaming.

How do I watch HTML5 video?

You can view HTML5 videos on all popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.

Can HTML5 play video?

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. Unlike previous versions of HTML, HTML5 enables developers to easily add video to webpages with a video tag.

1 Answers

If you mean just deliver video like Youtube or any other video site, you just use the <video> element to deliver it. Its pretty much like displaying an image (JPEG). Its just progressively downloaded to the user's browser. More details about Video at Dive into HTML5.

However, if you mean live-stream or streamed to a user such that its not really downloaded, I'm sure there are no way so far to do that without using a solution like a Flash Player client with a streaming server back-end - Flash Media Server, WowzaMedia, Red5, etc, etc.

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Brajeshwar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
