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How to store IP address list in C# List to make it searchable for subnets too?

How should I correctly store IP address list with addresses which are subnets to make it searchable?

There are two examples:

  1. I have IP address and in my C# List there is entry so here we have no problems.

  2. I have IP address and in my C# List I have subnet Here is my problem.

How to store IP subnet in List to cover second example?

like image 953
GrZeCh Avatar asked Sep 06 '09 20:09


2 Answers

At the end of this answer you will find a complete implementation of a structure to represent a IPV4 address.

Here is really simple example of usage:-

List<IPV4Address> list = new List<IPV4Address>();
list.Add(IPV4Address.FromString("", 24));
var x = IPV4Address.FromString("");
foreach (var addr in list.Where(a => a.Contains(x)))

The value "" is displayed inthe console since is found in the subnet. Assuming list is full of various subnets and x could contain any address then this:-

var result = list.Where(a => a.Contains(x))
    .OrderByDescending(a => a.Mask)

will select the most specific subnet for that contains x.

public struct IPV4Address
  private UInt32 _Value;
  private UInt32 _Mask;

  public UInt32 Value
    get { return _Value; }
    private set { _Value = value; }

  public UInt32 Mask
    get { return _Mask; }
    private set { _Mask = value; }

  public static IPV4Address FromString(string address)
    return FromString(address, 32);

  public static IPV4Address FromString(string address, int maskLength)
    string[] parts = address.Split('.');
    UInt32 value = ((UInt32.Parse(parts[0]) << 24) +
      ((UInt32.Parse(parts[1])) << 16) +
      ((UInt32.Parse(parts[2])) << 8) +

    return new IPV4Address(value, maskLength);

  public IPV4Address(UInt32 value)
    _Value = value;
    _Mask = int.MaxValue;

  public IPV4Address(UInt32 value, int maskLength)
    if (maskLength < 0 || maskLength > 32)
      throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maskLength", "Must be 0 to 32");

    _Value = value;
    if (maskLength == 32)
      _Mask = UInt32.MaxValue;
      _Mask = ~(UInt32)((1 << (32 - maskLength))-1);

    if ((_Value & _Mask) != _Value)
      throw new ArgumentException("Address value must be contained in mask");

  public bool Contains(IPV4Address address)
    if ((Mask & address.Mask) == Mask)
      return (address.Value & Mask) == Value;
    return false;

  public override string ToString()
    string result = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", (_Value >> 24), 
      (_Value >> 16) & 0xFF, 
      (_Value >> 8) & 0xFF, 
      _Value & 0xFF);

    if (_Mask != UInt32.MaxValue)
      result += "/" + String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", (_Mask >> 24),
      (_Mask >> 16) & 0xFF,
      (_Mask >> 8) & 0xFF,
      _Mask & 0xFF);

    return result;
like image 53
AnthonyWJones Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


Define a class that stores an IPAddress and the prefix length:

public class IPAddressWithPrefixLength
    public IPAddress IPAddress { get; }
    public int PrefixLength { get; }

Then override Equals and GetHashCode such that only the first PrefixLength bits of IPAddress.GetAddressBytes() are taken into consideration (and, of course, the IPAddress type).

You can then use this class to store subnet prefixes in a List<T> or use them as keys of a Dictionary<K,V>:

var subnets = new List<IPAddressWithPrefixLength>
    new IPAddressWithPrefixLength(IPAddress.Parse(""), 32),
    new IPAddressWithPrefixLength(IPAddress.Parse(""), 16),

var ipawpl = new IPAddressWithPrefixLength(IPAddress.Parse(""), 16);

Console.WriteLine(subnets.Contains(ipawpl)); // prints "True"

This works with IPv6 addresses, too.

like image 37
dtb Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10
