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how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it?

I want to store an image(from url) into a sqlite database.

For that I use:

db = new DataBase(getApplicationContext()); URL url = new URL("http://sree.cc/wp-content/uploads/schogini_team.png"); URLConnection ucon = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = ucon.getInputStream(); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is,128); ByteArrayBuffer barb= new ByteArrayBuffer(128);  int current = 0; while ((current = bis.read()) != -1) {     barb.append((byte) current); }  ContentValues filedata= new ContentValues();  filedata.put(DataBase.IMG_SRC,barb.toByteArray());  db.insert(DataBase.Table_Img, null, filedata); 

In the Insert():

public void insert(String tableImg, Object object,         ContentValues dataToInsert) {     // TODO Auto-generated method stub     String sql = "INSERT INTO "+tableImg+" ("+ID+","+IMG_SRC+") " +             "VALUES ('"+1+"','"+dataToInsert+"')";     db.execSQL(sql); } 

For the retrieval of image:

Cursor cursor = db.selectDataToShow(DataBase.Table_Img, DataBase.IMG_SRC);  byte[] imageByteArray=cursor.getBlob(cursor.getColumnIndex(DataBase.IMG_SRC));       cursor.close();  ByteArrayInputStream imageStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageByteArray); Bitmap theImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream);  System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "+theImage); 

So here I got null.

And in my database the value of image stored as: Image=[B@43e5ac48]

like image 506
Siten Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 09:09


People also ask

Can you store images in SQLite?

Inorder to store images to android SQLite database, you need to convert the image uri to bitmap then to binary characters that is, bytes[] sequence. Then set the table column data type as BLOB data type. After retrieving the images from DB, convert the byte[] data type to bitmap in order to set it to imageview.

Can SQLite store blobs?

A BLOB (large binary object) is an SQLite data type that stores large objects, typically large files such as images, music, videos, documents, pdf, etc. We need to convert our files and images into binary data (byte array in Python) to store it into SQLite database.

How does Python store images in SQLite?

1. Set the connection to the SQLite database using Python code. 2. We need to define an INSERT query for inserting the BLOB data into the table.

2 Answers

Here the code i used for my app

This code will take a image from url and convert is to a byte array

byte[] logoImage = getLogoImage(IMAGEURL);  private byte[] getLogoImage(String url){      try {              URL imageUrl = new URL(url);              URLConnection ucon = imageUrl.openConnection();               InputStream is = ucon.getInputStream();              BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);               ByteArrayBuffer baf = new ByteArrayBuffer(500);              int current = 0;              while ((current = bis.read()) != -1) {                   baf.append((byte) current);              }               return baf.toByteArray();      } catch (Exception e) {           Log.d("ImageManager", "Error: " + e.toString());      }      return null; } 

To save the image to db i used this code.

 public void insertUser(){         SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();         String delSql = "DELETE FROM ACCOUNTS";         SQLiteStatement delStmt = db.compileStatement(delSql);         delStmt.execute();          String sql = "INSERT INTO ACCOUNTS (account_id,account_name,account_image) VALUES(?,?,?)";         SQLiteStatement insertStmt = db.compileStatement(sql);         insertStmt.clearBindings();         insertStmt.bindString(1, Integer.toString(this.accId));         insertStmt.bindString(2,this.accName);         insertStmt.bindBlob(3, this.accImage);         insertStmt.executeInsert();         db.close(); } 

To retrieve the image back this is code i used.

public Account getCurrentAccount() {     SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();     String sql = "SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS";     Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, new String[] {});      if(cursor.moveToFirst()){         this.accId  = cursor.getInt(0);         this.accName = cursor.getString(1);         this.accImage = cursor.getBlob(2);     }     if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {         cursor.close();     }     db.close();     if(cursor.getCount() == 0){         return null;     } else {         return this;     } } 

Finally to load this image to a imageview

logoImage.setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray( currentAccount.accImage,          0,currentAccount.accImage.length)); 
like image 194
blessanm86 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09


in the DBAdaper i.e Data Base helper class declare the table like this

 private static final String USERDETAILS=     "create table userdetails(usersno integer primary key autoincrement,userid text not null ,username text not null,password text not null,photo BLOB,visibility text not null);"; 

insert the values like this,

first convert the images as byte[]

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();   Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.common)).getBitmap(); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, baos);    byte[] photo = baos.toByteArray();  db.insertUserDetails(value1,value2, value3, photo,value2); 

in DEAdaper class

 public long insertUserDetails(String uname,String userid, String pass, byte[] photo,String visibility)  {     ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();     initialValues.put("username", uname);     initialValues.put("userid",userid);     initialValues.put("password", pass);     initialValues.put("photo",photo);     initialValues.put("visibility",visibility);     return db.insert("userdetails", null, initialValues); } 

retrieve the image as follows

Cursor cur=your query; while(cur.moveToNext()) {      byte[] photo=cur.getBlob(index of blob cloumn); } 

convert the byte[] into image

ByteArrayInputStream imageStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(photo); Bitmap theImage= BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream); 

I think this content may solve your problem

like image 39
Balaji.K Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
