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How to stop refreshing page after ajax call?

I am unable to stop refreshing page after ajax call. I have tried by putting e.preventDefault(); and return false; as well but again my page is refreshing.

I dont know what is the problem with the code or something. Please help me to stop refreshing page after ajax call. solving this issue would be a great help for me. Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

$(document).ready(function() {     $('#loginForm').on('click', function(e) {         e.preventDefault();         var formData = {             'uname'  : $('#uname').val(),             'pwd'    :      $('#pwd').val()         };         $.ajax({             type        : "POST",             url         : "getresults.php",              data        : formData         }).done(function(data) {               alert(data+"This is working");         }).fail(function(data) {               alert("This is not working");         });     }); }); 
like image 816
Pradeepb Avatar asked Jan 03 '15 20:01


People also ask

Why is page refreshing after AJAX call?

This can happen when you have turned on live server extension or something like that refresh html pages. An example of how to check this would be useful. This was causing my problem with the vs code live server extension.

Can I stop page refreshing?

Click the Start button, type “internet options” and select Internet Options in the search results. In the Internet Properties window, click “Custom tab -> Custom level,” then in the Security Settings window, scroll down until you find “Allow META REFRESH.” Disable this option and click OK.

Does AJAX reload the page?

AJAX is about updating parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.

How do I stop jQuery from refreshing?

You can use event. preventDefault() to prevent the default event (click) from occurring.

1 Answers

Adding type="button" attribute to button solved my problem. Otherwise it was interpreted as submit operation.

like image 111
isidat Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09
