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How to stop other threads stealing focus when debugging in Eclipse?

I'm debugging a server process running in Eclipse 3.4.1. There are 20 threads or so, waking up at various interval after sleeping.

I set a breakpoint in one method on one thread, and Eclipse stops there properly. The thread is expanded with a stack trace in the Debug view, and I can use the various buttons to step through. This is all what I expect.

My problem is that it seems like when another running thread wakes up while I am stepping through, it steals the focus in the Debug view. My suspended thread is not selected or expanded anymore (it has a + next to it) and all the buttons are disabled. I have to click back on the suspended thread to continue debugging.

Has anyone seen this before and know any workarounds or settings I could change?

like image 824
Scott McIntyre Avatar asked Jul 23 '09 16:07

Scott McIntyre

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2 Answers

You could suspend the entire Java VM not only the executing thread to get rid of the focus problems.

Select a breakpoint in the breakpoints view and choose "Suspend VM" instead of "Suspend Thread". Under Preferences->Java->Debug you can make "Suspend VM" the default option.

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Felix Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11


I have had the same problem when debugging Play!Framework 2 applications. What seems to have finally solved it is to uncheck Java -> Monitors in the debug perspective/thread view panel context menu.

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Nils Weinander Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

Nils Weinander