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How to install the latest version of JavaScript Development Tools in Eclipse?

On http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/jsdt/ it says that the most recent version is 3.4. My Eclipse version is 4.2 Juno.

In Help → Install new software... when I search for it I only get the 1.4 JSDT. I've got the following software sites enabled:

Juno    http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno   Enabled
Mylyn for Eclipse Juno  http://download.eclipse.org/mylyn/releases/juno Enabled
The Eclipse Project Updates http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.2 Enabled

So how do I install the 3.4 JSDT?

like image 910
gvlasov Avatar asked Sep 12 '12 11:09


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You can install all or part of Eclipse WTP in to your current Eclipse. To install just JSDT open 'Help > Install New Software...'. In "Work with" choose your main Eclipse site ( http://download.eclipse.org/releases/luna for Eclipse Luna). Click Next> to proceed with the install.

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1 Answers

JSDT was only released under Web Tools Platform (WTP) version 3.4, this doesn't mean that the version of the JSDT itself has version 3.4 too.

You could probably update your WTP Version to 3.4. The repository could also be found under http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/juno

like image 54
Checkoff Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
