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How to stop Jenkins installed on Mac Snow Leopard?

I have installed Jenkins executable on OSX, but now I want to stop it running. Whenever I kill it, no matter how, it just restarts immediately.

I've tried using the exit command on the jenkins url:


which asks me to post the command, which I do, and the server shuts down as requested. But then it restarts.

I've tried searching for the process id using ps, and force killing it (kill -9 pid), and the server shuts down immediately, as requested. But then it restarts.

I've tried shutting it down via the gui, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.

There must be a daemon somewhere, making this a general OSX question.

like image 588
raksja Avatar asked Aug 05 '11 16:08


1 Answers

Just unload the plist using launchctl

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist 
like image 190
danielMitD Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
