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How to stop `gcloud component update` from keeping a backup?

I am building a google-cloud-sdk base-image and I am trying to keep it lean.

FROM google/cloud-sdk:$GCLOUD_SDK_VERSION

# Install Java 8 for Datastore emulator
RUN apk add --update --no-cache \
RUN gcloud components install \
        cloud-datastore-emulator \
        pubsub-emulator \
        beta \

So far everything is fine. And when I build and look at the output of the gcloud components install command I feel confident:

│       These components will be installed.        │
│           Name           │  Version   │   Size   │
│ Cloud Datastore Emulator │      2.1.0 │ 18.4 MiB │
│ Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator   │ 2019.09.27 │ 34.9 MiB │
│ gcloud Beta Commands     │ 2019.05.17 │  < 1 MiB │

My final image size, however, is shocking: 1.11GB. When I look at docker history I see that the component installation actually contributed 654MB to the final image size:

CREATED BY                                      SIZE
/bin/sh -c gcloud components install        …   654MB
/bin/sh -c apk add --update --no-cache      …   78.2MB

I am currently assuming it has something to do with the final line of the installation process.

╠═ Creating backup and activating new installation          ═╣

That appears to be a nice thing to have on your local workstation but not in a docker image. I tried to see if I can deactivate this backup or delete it afterward. There was no helpful paragraph in the man pages and searching online always directs me to some cloud database backup procedures you can initiate using gcloud commands.

Does anyone have further knowledge about what is happening here? Maybe it is not the backup at all that is contributing to most of the overhead?

like image 236
Felix Avatar asked Mar 24 '20 09:03


2 Answers

First I want to thank @gso_gabriel for his suggestions. I ended up analyzing filesystem utilization before and after calling gcloud components install.

  1. Getting rid of the backup turned out to be easy. In the gcloud application folder there is a hidden, hidden .install/.backup folder which was not there in the beginning and took up around 270 MB after component installation.
  2. Installing components also left behind a bunch of __pycache__ folders which summed up to around 100 MB.

To reduce the overall image size, I updated the corresponding docker line to:

RUN gcloud components install \
        cloud-datastore-emulator \
        pubsub-emulator \
        beta \
        --quiet \
    && rm -rf $(find google-cloud-sdk/ -regex ".*/__pycache__") \
    && rm -rf google-cloud-sdk/.install/.backup

The improvement can be seen with docker history:

CREATED BY                                      SIZE
/bin/sh -c gcloud components install        …   317MB

A reduction of over 300 MB. I tested the image by using it as datastore and pubsub service for one of my applications, running its unit-tests. Everything still appears to be working well.

There might be more files that can be cleaned but I believe I got the heavy-weights already.

like image 140
Felix Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09


First, I would recommend you to run the command gcloud components list, to get a full list of components that are available and currently installed in your SDK - this way, you should be able to check which one is getting all this size on your installation.

Besides that, as mentioned in the documentation Installing the Cloud SDK Docker image:

The Cloud SDK Docker Image is essentially Cloud SDK installed on top of a Debian-based OS image.

This means that probably part of the size is related to the OS of used for the installation.

I would like to also let you know that, it's not possible to not create the backup during the creation of the docker image.

For this reason, it might be worth it to contact Google directly, by raising a Feature Request, for this to be checked in the future - which would be good to have a better control over the components, such as the backup, for the image not be so big.

Let me know if the information helped you!

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gso_gabriel Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
