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How to stop backgrounddownload exe

As per attached screen shot BackgroundDownload.exe is running in background and consuming lots of internet data. How it can be stopped? enter image description here

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yadavr Avatar asked Jun 26 '20 09:06


People also ask

How do I stop background download EXE?

Here's what you need to do. Click on the little magnifying icon on the task bar - or click on the start button - and type SETTINGS into the window. Now go down the list of items in the left menu bar and in the right column, turn off anything you don't want sneaking uploads and downloads in the background.

What is Backgrounddownloader EXE?

The BackgroundDownload.exe process waits for the user (me) to leave the computer, and then starts to saturate the bandwidth to download something, presumably gigabytes upon gigabytes of updates.

2 Answers

This however does not stop VS from recreating BackgoundDownload.exe in 'random' temp directories and trying again. There must be some other missed option. Perhaps disabling the scheduled task in 'task scheduler' would finalize the change.

Through control panel, or other means, open 'Task Scheduler'. in the navigation pane on the left side, navigate to

"Task Scheduler Library>Microsoft>VisualStudio>Updates"

when there, you will see a task named 'BackroundDownload'

Right click on this task and either disable, or delete it.

like image 93
Hunanbean Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10


Please check if its checked “Automatically download updates” in VS2019?

Uncheck it.

Tools->Options->Environment->Product Updates->Automatically download updates

enter image description here

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yadavr Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10
