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How to stop at the first assert failed in Visual Studio?

How to stop at the first assert failed in Visual Studio?

When I debug, for each assert that fails I get pop-up windows one on top of the other. But I don't want that behaviour, I need the program to stop at the first failed assert, so that I can debug from there.

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user2381422 Avatar asked Oct 11 '13 17:10


People also ask

How do I disable assert in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, go to Debug / Windows / Exception Settings. In the Exception Settings, go to Win32 Exceptions / 0xc0000420 Assertion Failed. Uncheck the box in front of that entry.

What happens if assert is failed?

If an assertion fails, the assert() macro arranges to print a diagnostic message describing the condition that should have been true but was not, and then it kills the program. In C, using assert() looks this: #include <assert. h> int myfunc(int a, double b) { assert(a <= 5 && b >= 17.1); … }

How do you debug assertion failure?

If that condition does not hold true, the assertion fails, execution of your program is interrupted, and this dialog box appears. Debug the assertion or get help on asserts. Ignore the assertion and continue running the program. Halt execution of the program and end the debugging session.

1 Answers

  1. Make sure that you have the Native debugger enabled: Select your project in Solution Explorer, then select Debug > YourProject Properties (at the bottom). Choose Debug from the menu on the left, then under Enable Debuggers make sure the type is either Mixed or Native.
  2. Make sure you're breaking on assert failures. Go to:

VS 2015: Menu->Debug->Windows->Exception Settings

Pre-VS 2015: Debug > Exceptions, expand Win32 Exceptions, and check Assert Failed:

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Justin R. Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Justin R.