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How to split out multiple animations from Collada file in SceneKit

I am loading a third-party .dae Collada file as a scene into a SceneKit project.

The .dae file has many different animations in it, set at different times/frames. I am trying to figure out how I can split these out and reference each individual animation by reference name. There are no intelligible reference names in the dae file - the animations are all set as one single animation.

I am able to parse out the animations into a CAAnimation object, and verify that I have successfully done so with the following code:

SCNScene *scene = [SCNScene sceneNamed:@"art.scnassets/man.dae"];
SCNNode *man = [scene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"Bip01" recursively:YES];
CAAnimation *animation = [man animationForKey:@"test_Collada_DAE-1"];
[man removeAllAnimations];
[man addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animation"];

Is there any way to set a start and end frame or time to my CAAnimation object? What is the best way to parse out the various animations? I'm hoping that I do not have to manually split the dae file into many and load each one individually.

like image 947
itnAAnti Avatar asked May 13 '15 14:05


1 Answers

3d tools often export multiple animations as a single animation with sub animations. In that case SceneKit will load these animations as a CAAnimationGroup with sub animations. So one option is to "parse" the animation group's sub animations and retrieve the ones you want. Another option is to retrieve (sub)animations by name using SCNSceneSource (but this will work only if your 3d tool exported names when it exported your DAE).

If you need to "crop" animation (i.e extract an animation that starts at t0 with duration D from a longer animation), CoreAnimation has a APIs for that:

  • create an animation Group to "crop" with duration D.

  • add the animation you want to crop as a sub-animation and set it's timeOffset to t0.

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Toyos Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
