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How to split and dispatch an async control-flow using Continuations?

I have an asynchronous control-flow like the following:

ActorA ! DoA(dataA, callback1, callbackOnErrorA)

def callback1() = {
  ActorB ! DoB(dataB, callback2, callbackOnErrorB)

def callback2() = {
  ActorC ! DoC(dataC, callback3, callbackOnErrorC)


How would I divide this flow into several parts (continuations) and sequentially dispatch these to different actors (or threads/tasks) while maintaining the overall state?

Any hint appreciated, Thanks

like image 621
hotzen Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 11:03


1 Answers

I like to use scalaz.concurrent.Promise. This example isn't exactly like the one in your question, but it gives you the idea.

object Async extends Application {
  import scalaz._
  import Scalaz._
  import concurrent._
  import concurrent.strategy._
  import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, Executors}

  case class ResultA(resultb: ResultB, resulta: ResultC)
  case class ResultB()
  case class ResultC()


  def run {
    implicit val executor: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8)
    import Executor.strategy

    val promiseA = doA
    println("waiting for results")
    val a: ResultA = promiseA.get
    println("got " + a)

  def doA(implicit s: Strategy[Unit]): Promise[ResultA] = {
    println("triggered A")
    val b = doB
    val c = doC
    for {bb <- b; cc <- c} yield ResultA(bb, cc)

  def doB(implicit s: Strategy[Unit]): Promise[ResultB] = {
    println("triggered B")
    promise { Thread.sleep(1000); println("returning B"); ResultB() }

  def doC(implicit s: Strategy[Unit]): Promise[ResultC] = {
    println("triggered C")
    promise { Thread.sleep(1000); println("returning C"); ResultC() }


triggered A
triggered B
triggered C
waiting for results
returning B
returning C
got ResultA(ResultB(),ResultC())

You'll find an introduction to Scalaz concurrency in this presentation from Runar.

This approach isn't as flexible as Actors, but composes better and can't deadlock.

like image 145
retronym Avatar answered Dec 13 '22 11:12
