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How to split an SVN folder into its own repository when it has been renamed?

People also ask

Can I move SVN folder to another location?

Moving files and folders select the files or directories you want to move. right drag them to the new location inside the working copy. release the right mouse button. in the popup menu select Context Menu → SVN Move versioned files here.

I had a similar problem splitting a repository ..

svndumpfilter: Invalid copy source path /dir/old_dir

What I did to get around the problem was to include the additional old directories that is was requesting, or that you know you moved. In my case I had moved 3 directories into another directory.

eg. Moved Folders A,B,C in to Folder D

cat project.dump | svndumpfilter include A B C D > new.dump

This seemed to solve my problem. I was able to separate Folder D from the rest of the Repo. On the flip-side, when excluding D I did not get the error, I would guess because removing D didn't require the links/history to A,B,C

This problem occurs when one of the directories/files included by svndumpfilter originally was copied or moved from a section of the tree that is not being included.

To solve the problem use this script: svndumpfilter3

I've tried at least 4 different applications to do that, the only that really worked was using svndumpfilterIN :

cd /usr/local/bin/
sudo wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/jasperlee108/svndumpfilterIN/master/svndumpfilter.py
sudo chmod +x svndumpfilter.py
# To be sure nothing will happened on the original repo :
cp -au /path/to/repo /tmp/largerepo.repo/
svnadmin dump /path/to/repo > /tmp/largerepo.dump
svndumpfilter.py /tmp/largerepo.dump --repo=/tmp/largerepo.repo --output-dump=/tmp/mydir.dump include my/directory

Here is what I tried and didn't worked :

  • http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/bin/svndumpfilter3.html (from previous answer)
  • Including the problematic path as said in another previous answer. Problem : I still have paths I do not want in the target dump
  • svndumpsanitizer (I still have paths I do not want in the target dump also)

This could potentially help you: Quote from http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.reposadmin.maint.html#svn.reposadmin.maint.replication

In Subversion 1.5, svnsync grew the ability to also mirror a subset of a repository rather than the whole thing. The process of setting up and maintaining such a mirror is exactly the same as when mirroring a whole repository, except that instead of specifying the source repository's root URL when running svnsync init, you specify the URL of some subdirectory within that repository. Synchronization to that mirror will now copy only the bits that changed under that source repository subdirectory. There are some limitations to this support, though. First, you can't mirror multiple disjoint subdirectories of the source repository into a single mirror repository—you'd need to instead mirror some parent directory that is common to both. Second, the filtering logic is entirely path-based, so if the subdirectory you are mirroring was renamed at some point in the past, your mirror would contain only the revisions since the directory appeared at the URL you specified. And likewise, if the source subdirectory is renamed in the future, your synchronization processes will stop mirroring data at the point that the source URL you specified is no longer valid.

The Problem of course is losing the pre-rename history...

auriarte's link to svndumpfilter3 404's. Here's a working link (as of 2011-01-31), for anyone looking for it: http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/bin/svndumpfilter3.html

I've just successfully migrated a project from an existing combined repo (at Google Code) to its own repo. The posts here were very helpful.

This is what finally worked for me...

  1. Used svnsync to make a local mirror of my Google Code repo following the directions here.
  2. svnadmin dump to foo-dumpfile
  3. cat dumpfile | ./svndumpfilter3 --untangle mymirrorrepo trunk/foo > foo-dumpfile
  4. svnadmin create foorepo
  5. svnadmin load foorepo --ignore-uuid < foo-dumpfile

The --untangle option in step 3 managed to resolve all of the path problems that stumped svndumpfilter and svndumpfilter2.

Initially, at step 5 I was stuck on the error:

<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 2
svnadmin: File not found: transaction '1-1', path 'trunk/foo'

But this post in Charles Calvert's blog explained that all that was required was to create the trunk dir in foorepo before doing the load.

I encountered this problem and ended up using svndumpfilter2.

Specifically, this command:

sudo svnadmin dump /home/setup/svn/repos/main_repl | sudo ./svndumpfilter2.py /home/setup/svn/repos/main_repl Development QA compliance > ~/main_repl_dump.trim

I did get the out of memory error mentioned, however, since I was running svn on a VM, I just bumped the memory up to 2G. While I realize that this may not be an option for everyone, I noticed that it ran much faster than it had with 512M. (2G probably wasn't necessary).

Currently, it is processing revision 18,631.

In case anyone wonders, the reason why I needed to break out part of the repo was because we were creating tags/copies for distribution to implementation of files in another path of the repo. For some reason, this process was causing the repo to balloon to huge proportions. (We're at 17G now.)

I'm doing this on a replication repo of SVN, version 1.5.6, on Debian Lenny, 5.0.4.