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Can you disable version control integration in Xcode 4?

I use Cornerstone for managing my Subversion repositories, so I don't need Xcode's integration, and I'm noticing Xcode is dumping loads of SVN-related output into my console (it recognises that my project is a local SVN copy)...

In particular, there are loads of ERROR: Your working copy returned an SVN status of "external" that we don't handle (yet) messages due to my svn:externals.

This has to be slowing the IDE down - does anyone know of any way to disable the SVN integration in Xcode 4?

like image 917
Mark Beaton Avatar asked Mar 28 '11 23:03

Mark Beaton

2 Answers

Right! This seems to stop it for good - simply rename the following package to something other than IDESubversion.ideplugin (I've renamed mine IDESubversion-DISABLED.ideplugin)...

Xcode 5.1+
This is finally a built-in Xcode preference - see @MANIAK_dobrii's answer for details.

Xcode 5/Xcode 4.3+:

Xcode 4.0 - 4.2:

Note that in Xcode 4.0 & 4.1 (and possibly 4.2) renaming the extension seemed to work fine. From Xcode 4.3 however, you might need to leave the extension intact, and rename the name portion of the bundle instead (to avoid the error on launch that people have described in the comments below).

Tip o' the hat to: Remove git from project in Xcode 4

like image 197
Mark Beaton Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

Mark Beaton

Try this:

  1. Window -> Organizer
  2. Repositories
  3. Select your repository
  4. Click the "-" button at the bottom of the Organizer window

Unfortunately, it seems that you have to do this every time you restart Xcode.

like image 44
Hyung Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
