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How to speed up this Python code?

I've got the following tiny Python method that is by far the performance hotspot (according to my profiler, >95% of execution time is spent here) in a much larger program:

def topScore(self, seq):
    ret = -1e9999
    logProbs = self.logProbs  # save indirection
    l = len(logProbs)
    for i in xrange(len(seq) - l + 1):
        score = 0.0
        for j in xrange(l):
            score += logProbs[j][seq[j + i]]
        ret = max(ret, score)

    return ret

The code is being run in the Jython implementation of Python, not CPython, if that matters. seq is a DNA sequence string, on the order of 1,000 elements. logProbs is a list of dictionaries, one for each position. The goal is to find the maximum score of any length l (on the order of 10-20 elements) subsequence of seq.

I realize all this looping is inefficient due to interpretation overhead and would be a heck of a lot faster in a statically compiled/JIT'd language. However, I'm not willing to switch languages. First, I need a JVM language for the libraries I'm using, and this kind of constrains my choices. Secondly, I don't want to translate this code wholesale into a lower-level JVM language. However, I'm willing to rewrite this hotspot in something else if necessary, though I have no clue how to interface it or what the overhead would be.

In addition to the single-threaded slowness of this method, I also can't get the program to scale much past 4 CPUs in terms of parallelization. Given that it spends almost all its time in the 10-line hotspot I've posted, I can't figure out what the bottleneck could be here.

like image 765
dsimcha Avatar asked Nov 17 '10 22:11


3 Answers

if topScore is called repeatedly for same seq you could memoize its value.

E.g. http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52201/

like image 86
Rohan Monga Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 22:09

Rohan Monga

The reason it is slow is because it is O(N*N)

The maximum subsequence algorithm may help you improve this

like image 23
John La Rooy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09

John La Rooy

What about precomputing xrange(l) outside the for i loop?

like image 42
Wangnick Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09
