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How to specify the path to a Cargo.toml

I'm new to Rust and I want to build and run my project. I use something like:

cd %project_path%
cargo run

I want to be able to write cargo run -path %project_path% in a single line because I want to create a build script that doesn't allow changing the working directory. It seems that cargo doesn't have any -path or -target keys, which would define target directory, and I always get the message

could not find Cargo.toml in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or any parent directory

like image 364
Alex Zhukovskiy Avatar asked Jan 31 '16 10:01

Alex Zhukovskiy

People also ask

How do I put cargo on path?

(1) Add the Cargo bin to your PATH variable. You can run $ whereis cargo to find the bin path, and then do $ sudo -H gedit /etc/environment where you can add that new path section to your current PATH variable.

Where is cargo toml located?

Cargo. toml and Cargo. lock are stored in the root of your project (package root). Source code goes in the src directory.

Where does cargo build output to?

Cargo stores the output of a build into the "target" directory. By default, this is the directory named target in the root of your workspace. To change the location, you can set the CARGO_TARGET_DIR environment variable, the build. target-dir config value, or the --target-dir command-line flag.

What is a cargo toml file?

toml. Cargo. toml is the manifest file for Rust's package manager, cargo . This file contains metadata such as name, version, and dependencies for packages, which are call "crates" in Rust.

1 Answers

The --manifest-path path/to/Cargo.toml option to almost all cargo subcommands allows pointing it to a specific Cargo.toml file to use, overriding the default of searching the current directory and its parents for a file called Cargo.toml (this file is the "manifest").

Incidentally, unix-y commands usually take a -h or --help argument which prints information about their command line options, cargo and rustc are no exception. E.g.

$ cargo run --help
Run the main binary of the local package (src/main.rs)

    cargo run [options] [--] [<args>...]

    -h, --help              Print this message
    --bin NAME              Name of the bin target to run
    --example NAME          Name of the example target to run
    -j N, --jobs N          The number of jobs to run in parallel
    --release               Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations
    --features FEATURES     Space-separated list of features to also build
    --no-default-features   Do not build the `default` feature
    --target TRIPLE         Build for the target triple
    --manifest-path PATH    Path to the manifest to execute
    -v, --verbose           Use verbose output
    -q, --quiet             No output printed to stdout
    --color WHEN            Coloring: auto, always, never

If neither `--bin` nor `--example` are given, then if the project only has one
bin target it will be run. Otherwise `--bin` specifies the bin target to run,
and `--example` specifies the example target to run. At most one of `--bin` or
`--example` can be provided.

All of the trailing arguments are passed to the binary to run. If you're passing
arguments to both Cargo and the binary, the ones after `--` go to the binary,
like image 141
huon Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10
