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How to specify the name of the table to be used by DbContext

This is a followback question from my earlier question. I was under the impression that if there're more than one table in the database, the name of the DbSet variable will be used to identify the table.

However in the linked question it was clear that the DbContext was choosing Products table instead of Portfolio table even if the name of the variable was Portfolio. I can still change the variable name to anything and I am still getting data.

So my question is how the tables are mapped by DbContext? I need to add few more tables in the project and have no idea how would I do that using a single DbContext object (or should I use separate DbContext for separate Tables in the same database)?

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noob Avatar asked Oct 16 '14 13:10


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Can dbcontext choose products table instead of portfolio table?

I was under the impression that if there're more than one table in the database, the name of the DbSet variable will be used to identify the table. However in the linked question it was clear that the DbContext was choosing Products table instead of Portfolio table even if the name of the variable was Portfolio.

2 Answers

You can do the following on the entity:

public class Product { /* ... */ }

By convention the table is named after the plural of the entities name.
So a DbSet<Product> will by default be stored / looked up in a table named Products.

like image 73
Christoph Fink Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 05:10

Christoph Fink

Take a look at System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.TableAttribute.


class Product

    public string Foo{get;set;}
like image 41
spender Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 05:10
