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How to specify language in xml comment <code> tag

Is there a way to specify what language is being used in the <code> tag used within an <example> tag in XML comments?

I am using Sandcastle Help File Builder to test building documentation from my XML comments, but when I include VB.net code samples in my example sections, it displays them as "C#", not vb.net. Not sure if there is something else I need to do...

Here is the XML comments I am trying to make.

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and sends an email.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject">A <c>String</c> that contains the subject text.</param>
        /// <param name="emailBody">A <c>String</c> that contains the message body.</param>
        /// <param name="emailFrom">A <c>String</c> that contains the address of the sender of the e-mail message.</param>
        /// <param name="emailTo">A <c>String</c> that contains the addresses of the recipients of the e-mail messa</param>
        /// <param name="emailBCC">The email address to blind carbon-copy the email to.</param>
        /// <param name="IsHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [the body of the email HTML].</param>
        /// <param name="attachment">The <c>System.Net.Mail.Attachment</c> to the email.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><c>emailFrom</c> is null or <c>emailTo</c> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><c>emailFrom</c> is <c>Empty</c> ("") or <c>emailTo</c> is <c>Empty</c> ("").</exception>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// string subject = "This is my subject.";
        /// string[] emailBody = new {"body line 1", "body line 2"};
        /// string emailFrom = "[email protected]";
        /// string emailTo = "[email protected]";
        /// string emailBCC = string.empty;
        /// bool isHTML = false;
        /// EmailWithComments.SendEmail(subject, emailBody, emailFrom, emailTo, emailBCC, isHTML, null);
        /// </code>
        /// <code>
        /// Dim subject As String = "This is my subject."
        /// Dim emailBody As String() = New From { _
        ///     "body line 1", _
        ///     "body line 2" _
        /// }
        /// Dim emailFrom As String = "[email protected]"
        /// Dim emailTo As String = "[email protected]"
        /// Dim emailBCC As String = String.empty
        /// Dim isHTML As Boolean = False
        /// EmailWithComments.SendEmail(subject, emailBody, emailFrom, emailTo, emailBCC, isHTML, Nothing)
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
like image 483
Amanda Kitson Avatar asked Sep 13 '11 14:09

Amanda Kitson

People also ask

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The syntax for adding XML comments in your code is triple slashes /// followed by one of the supported XML tags.

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Syntax. A comment starts with <! -- and ends with -->. You can add textual notes as comments between the characters.

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Enabling XML Comments XML comments are enabled by default in Visual Basic projects, and cannot be disabled. To enable or disable XML comments for a specific project, go to the project properties page, the Compile tab, and update the "Generate XML documentation file" checkbox.

How do you comment out code in C#?

A comment is preceded by an double forward slash. The code of line after the double forward slash is simply ignored by the compiler. To code a comment, type an double forward slash followed by the comment. You can use this technique to add a comment on its own line or to add a comment after the code on a line.

1 Answers

Sandcastle Help File Builder extends the code tag and supports the lang attribute.

like image 189
Daniel Hilgarth Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09

Daniel Hilgarth