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How to specify jackson to only use fields - preferably globally





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Does Jackson use fields or getters?

Jackson uses the setter and getter methods to auto-detect the private field and updates the field during deserialization. Assume you have defined all the fields or properties in your Java class so that both input JSON and output Java class have identical fields.

Should I declare Jackson's ObjectMapper as a static field?

Yes, that is safe and recommended.

How do you tell Jackson to ignore a field during serialization?

If there are fields in Java objects that do not wish to be serialized, we can use the @JsonIgnore annotation in the Jackson library. The @JsonIgnore can be used at the field level, for ignoring fields during the serialization and deserialization.

Should Jackson ObjectMapper be a singleton?

ObjectMapper is a completely thread-safe service class, it is meant to be used as singleton across the lifetime of the application.

You can configure individual ObjectMappers like this:

ObjectMapper mapper  = new ObjectMapper();

If you want it set globally, I usually access a configured mapper through a wrapper class.

In Jackson 2.0 and later you can simply use:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;   


ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();    
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);

to turn off autodetection.

Specifically for boolean is*() getters:

I've spend a lot of time on why neither below

  @JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY, getterVisibility = Visibility.NONE, setterVisibility = Visibility.NONE)

nor this

  setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.SETTER, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE);
  setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.GETTER, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE);
  setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);

worked for my Boolean Getter/Setter.

Solution is simple:

  @JsonAutoDetect(isGetterVisibility = Visibility.NONE, ...          
  setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.IS_GETTER, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE);

UPDATE: spring-boot allowed configure it:

  visibility.field: any
  visibility.getter: none
  visibility.setter: none
  visibility.is-getter: none

See Common application properties # JACKSON

for jackson 1.9.10 I use

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

mapper.setVisibility(JsonMethod.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(JsonMethod.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);

to turn of auto dedection.

How about this: I used it with a mixin

non-compliant object

public class Telemetry {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long pk;
    private String id;
    private String organizationId;
    private String baseType;
    private String name;
    private Double lat;
    private Double lon;
    private Instant updateTimestamp;


@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = ANY, getterVisibility = NONE, setterVisibility = NONE)
public static class TelemetryMixin {}


    ObjectMapper om = objectMapper.addMixIn(Telemetry.class, TelemetryMixin.class);
    Telemetry[] telemetries = om.readValue(someJson, Telemetry[].class);

There is nothing that says you couldn't foreach any number of classes and apply the same mixin.

If you're not familiar with mixins, they are conceptually simply: The structure of the mixin is super imposed on the target class (according to jackson, not as far as the JVM is concerned).

If you want a way to do this globally without worrying about the configuration of your ObjectMapper, you can create your own annotation:

@Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.TYPE})
        getterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE, isGetterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE,
        setterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE, fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE,
        creatorVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE
public @interface JsonExplicit {

Now you just have to annotate your classes with @JsonExplicit and you're good to go!

Also make sure to edit the above call to @JsonAutoDetect to make sure you have the values set to what works with your program.

Credit to https://stackoverflow.com/a/13408807 for helping me find out about @JacksonAnnotationsInside