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How to specify C++11 with distutils?


I have a module that needs to be compiled with C++11. On GCC and Clang, that means a std=c++11 switch, or std=c++0x on older compilers.

Python is not compiled with this switch so Distutils doesn't include it when compiling modules.

What is the preferred way to compile C++11 code with distutils?

like image 429
Adam Avatar asked Apr 24 '14 06:04


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2 Answers

You can use the extra_compile_args parameter of distutils.core.Extension:

ext = Extension('foo', sources=[....],

Note that this is completely platform dependent. It won't even work on some older versions of gcc and clang.

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juanchopanza Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10


You can override the default values for various Distutils compilation and link flags using environment variables. This may require some experimentation depending on which platform you are on and how the Python you was using was built. But generally overriding CFLAGS will affect the compilation phase and either one of LDSHARED or LDFLAGS will affect the link phase.

export CFLAGS='-std=c++11'
pip install blah


export CFLAGS='-std=c++11'
python setup.py install

On OS X, another option is to use the ARCHFLAGS environment variable which has the advantage of not wiping out the original CFLAGS or LDSHARED values.

like image 40
Ned Deily Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Ned Deily