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how to sort in Tlistview based on subitem[x]

How to sort in tlistview with data present in subitem[x]?

like image 822
steve0 Avatar asked Jul 03 '10 16:07


1 Answers

Set SortType := stData and write

procedure TForm1.ListView1Compare(Sender: TObject; Item1, Item2: TListItem;
  Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);
  Compare := StrToInt(Item1.SubItems[x]) - StrToInt(Item2.SubItems[x])

for instance. If compare is negative, Item1 should come before Item2; if compare is positive, the opposite applies. Thus this example, which assumes that SubItem[x] contains an integer, will sort the items according to the numerical value of SubItem[x].

If, on the other hand, SubItem[x] contains strings, then you can write

procedure TForm1.ListView1Compare(Sender: TObject; Item1, Item2: TListItem;
  Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);
  Compare := AnsiCompareText(Item1.SubItems[x], Item2.SubItems[x]);
like image 150
Andreas Rejbrand Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10

Andreas Rejbrand