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How to solve Xamarin Forms API deprecated Error 410

VS2017 shows this error when I'm trying to upload my apk:

This API has been deprecated and is no longer available

Any idea what cause and how to solve this error?

Xamarin 4.12.3

Error 410

like image 329
rubStackOverflow Avatar asked Dec 03 '19 20:12


1 Answers

("Since I am answering as a guest it is not allowing me to embed images so there are image links below")

The issue happens in vs2019 also and I think it is being caused by this message in the Google Play Console

ACTION REQUIRED: Your automated publishing to Google Play will stop working on December 1, 2019 Your app is using an old version of the Google Play Developer API. From December 1 2019, versions 1 and 2 of this API will no longer be available, and any calls to these versions will fail. Update to version 3 before this date. Learn more

I am not sure how to fix this yet but if you need to get a release out you can manually grab the apk and upload it to the google play console.

Archive Manager > click on the desired apk > click open folder > grab apk file from the "signed-apks" folder

you can then go to the google play console and create a release and manually upload the apk file along with your newly created release.

I know this is not the fix I just figured I would through it out there in case it can help anyone.

Same Error Message in 2019

like image 117
Anthony Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 17:10
