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How to solve TemplateRuntimeError: no test named 'equalto' in Ansible?

Ansible v2.2.1.0

I have task that collects information over items, and I setup a register for the task. For example, I use jq to parse a JSON file,

    "name" : "hello file",
    "english" : "hello",
    "spanish" : "hola",
    "german" : "wie gehts"

- name: parse the hello.json file
  shell: |
      jq -r '.{{ item }}' < hello.json
  register: hellos
  - english
  - spanish
  - german

- debug: var=hellos

The debug shows

ok: [localhost] => {
    "hellos": {
        "changed": true, 
        "msg": "All items completed", 
        "results": [
                # snipped
                "item": "english", 
                "stdout" : "hello",
                # snipped
                # snipped
                "item": "spanish", 
                "stdout" : "hola",
                # snipped
                # snipped
                "item": "german", 
                "stdout" : "wie gehts",
                # snipped

Now if I want to get the stdout value of the hellos register, I tried this

- name: Display hello messages
  debug: msg="{{ hellos.results | selectattr("item","equalto",item) | map(attribute="stdout") | first }} worlld"
  - english
  - spanish
  - german

I get

An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: TemplateRuntimeError: no test named 'equalto'
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "Unexpected failure during module execution.", "stdout": ""}

I'm basically parsing the hellos register for the "item" and getting its "stdout" attribute i the second debug task. Where's my error?

like image 870
Chris F Avatar asked Jun 20 '17 18:06

Chris F

1 Answers

You do some really strange stuff here. I'm sure your original task can be solved much easier.

But to answer your question "Why equalto filter not found?": update Jinja2.

Check with pip list | grep Jinja2.
equalto is introduced in ver. 2.8.

like image 63
Konstantin Suvorov Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

Konstantin Suvorov