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How to simulate double click event in angular 2 karma

I have html row element as so

<tr class="worktask" (click)="setCurrentTask($event, task)" (dblclick)="openTask($event, task)">some content</tr>

Now I want to test if openTask is called when some one double click on a row element in the table.

The way I am trying to do this is:

it('should be able to double click on a row to open work stream', async(() => {
        comp.tasks=workflowServiceStub.getTasks(); //get dummy task
        fixture.detectChanges();                   // update view  based on dummy task
        spyOn(comp, 'openTask');                   //spy on openTask function if it is called
        let workTaskRow = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('.worktask'); //getting task row

        fixture.whenStable().then(() => {

But when I run the test I get an error saying:

workTaskRow[0].dblclick is not a function

I tried .click() and it seem to work , not sure I can trigger a double click here to test if openTask() function is called.

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Snedden27 Avatar asked Feb 06 '17 04:02


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If you want to navigate differently on a double-click, you would have to delay the navigation, to allow the double-click event to be triggered (or not). You could also navigate to a different destination if a key is pressed (e.g. shift, ctrl) when the row is clicked. Here you can use a timeout and a boolean flag to solve this.

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1 Answers

the answer is there: Angular 2 unit tests: How do I test for the context menu and double click events?

const doubleClickEl: DebugElement[] =  fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css("li")); 

doubleClickEl[0].triggerEventHandler("dblclick", new MouseEvent("dblclick"));

like image 195
Pierre Trollé Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10

Pierre Trollé