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How to simulate C# thread starvation

I'm trying to induce/cause thread starvation so as to observe the effects in C#.

Can anyone kindly suggest a (simple) application which can be created so as to induce thread starvation?

like image 416
Dot NET Avatar asked Dec 09 '11 20:12


People also ask

How do you simulate C code?

By default no C code will be simulated until the C Simulation button is enabled. C Code icons will simply be skipped by the simulator. The C Simulation button can be found on the main toolbar and via the DEBUG menu. C Simulation is enabled when the button icon is highlighted by a bounding square.

What is Simulation in C?

A simulation is a computer model that mimics the operation of a real or proposed system and it is time based and takes into account all the resources and constraints involved.

Is C++ good for simulations?

If you are looking for mathematical modeling and analysis, then Python and Matlab are good options. If you want to work with large data (CFD modelling), then C++ and Fortran are preferred languages.

2 Answers

Set thread priority and thread affinity

Worker class

class PriorityTest
    volatile bool loopSwitch;
    public PriorityTest()
        loopSwitch = true;

    public bool LoopSwitch
        set { loopSwitch = value; }

    public void ThreadMethod()
        long threadCount = 0;

        while (loopSwitch)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} with {1,11} priority " +
            "has a count = {2,13}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name,

And test

class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)
        PriorityTest priorityTest = new PriorityTest();
        ThreadStart startDelegate =
            new ThreadStart(priorityTest.ThreadMethod);

        Thread threadOne = new Thread(startDelegate);
        threadOne.Name = "ThreadOne";
        Thread threadTwo = new Thread(startDelegate);
        threadTwo.Name = "ThreadTwo";

        threadTwo.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
        threadOne.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

        // Allow counting for 10 seconds.
        priorityTest.LoopSwitch = false;


Code mostly taken from msdn also if you have multicore system you may need to set thread affinity. You may also need to create more threads to see real starvation.

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oleksii Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09


Set the thread affinity for your application in the task manager so that it only runs on one core. Then start a busy thread in your application with a high priority.

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Guffa Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
