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.NET doesn't trust my self-signed certificate, but IE does?

I've got a self-signed certificate for testing in development. I've added it under the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" folder in certificate manager, and when visiting the site under IE or Chrome it's accepted as valid (under Firefox it doesn't like the fact it is self-signed).

However, when my C# client tries to connect to call a webservice or to open an SSL socket, it get an exception saying "Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel with authority '[server address]'.". And even more annoyingly this doesn't happen when I debug via Visual Studio, it only happens when I try and run it from a test machine which has also had the certificate added to the trusted group.

What criteria is .NET using to validate my certificate?

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Chris Cooper Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 17:01

Chris Cooper

People also ask

How do you fix the certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed?

You need to import the root certificate into the trust store for the browser. Once the browser knows you trust this root certificate, all certificates signed by this will show up as trusted.

Why is a self-signed SSL certificate not trusted?

Self-signed SSL certificates are not trusted by browsers, because they are generated by your servers, and not validated by trusted CAs, like Cloudflare and Go Daddy.

How do you force a browser to trust a self-signed certificate?

Navigate to the site with the cert you want to trust, and click through the usual warnings for untrusted certificates. In the address bar, right click on the red warning triangle and "Not secure" message and, from the resulting menu, select "Certificate" to show the certificate.

Why is my certificate not trusted?

The certificate not trusted error indicates that the SSL certificate is not signed or approved by a company that the browser trusts. This occurs most often for one of the following reasons: The web site is using a self-signed certificate.

1 Answers

Did you add the certificate as a trusted root authority under the Current User, a specific Service Account or under Local Machine? Most likely you only added the new root authority for the current user only, so any service that runs under a different account will not trust the certificate.

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Remus Rusanu Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Remus Rusanu