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How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements?


I'd like to be able to mimic the behavior of the :active pseudo class on all elements in Android webkit. Currently, the :active syntax only works on a elements (links). Nearly all of the actionable elements in the app I'm working on are something other than a standard link tag. iOS webkit supports :active on all elements.

/* works on both android iOS webkit */
a:active {
    color: blue;
/* works on iOS webkit, does not work on android webkit */
div:active {
    color: red;

I've found a couple of resources [1,2] that solve similar problems, but they're both a bit heavy, and I'm wondering if there's a lighter weight solution that I'm just not able to find.

  1. http://cubiq.org/remove-onclick-delay-on-webkit-for-iphone
  2. http://code.google.com/intl/ro-RO/mobile/articles/fast_buttons.html
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chas s. Avatar asked Feb 09 '11 01:02

chas s.

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1 Answers

Based on what @caffein said, here's a full implementation of this:

For all :active code, write CSS rules that look like this.

my-button:active, .my-button.fake-active {
 background-color: blue;

Then in your document ready event add this code:

if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1) {
 .bind("touchstart", function () {
 .bind("touchend", function() {

This has the advantage of using the fast native :active class on iOS, and dropping back to JavaScript on Android.

Taken from my blog at http://pervasivecode.blogspot.com/2011/11/android-phonegap-active-css-pseudo.html

EDIT: I've since discovered that buttons can occasionally 'stick' in the fake-active state. The fix for this is to also handle the touchcancel event. E.g. add this to the above..

 function() {
  var $this = $(this);
like image 188
Ben Clayton Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Ben Clayton