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How to shuffle jobs in a Resque queue?

I have a queue named check_integrity and lots of jobs in it. When i run a worker for it it takes jobs first in first out order. Is it possible to shuffle the jobs in that particular queue? I need the worker to take jobs randomly. Please help.


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Justin Jose Avatar asked Nov 25 '22 10:11

Justin Jose

2 Answers

One way to go about this is by popping entries out of the queue, batching them up, shuffling the batch and then re-insert them:

key = "resque:queue:bulk"
total = Redis.current.llen(key)
batch_size = 5_000 # any value that is good enough for you

batch = []
total.times do |i|
  entry = Redis.current.lpop(key)
  batch << entry
  if batch.size == batch_size || i.succ == total
    puts "re-inserting batch..."
    Redis.current.rpush key, batch.shuffle
    batch = []

This is really useful when you mistakenly enqueue several jobs that end up racing for shared resources, locks and so on.

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rafb3 Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 19:02


Look at this plugin for the Resque. I guess this is exactly what you need.

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Mikhail Nikalyukin Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 18:02

Mikhail Nikalyukin