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How to show method parameters hint in Intellij IDEA?

People also ask

How do I see arguments in IntelliJ?

Choose View | Parameter Info on the main menu or press Ctrl + P .

How can see method call in IntelliJ?

on the toolbar in the Find tool window or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F7 . While in the Find tool window, you can also use the Preview area to check the places where the usages were found, to see a call hierarchy for methods, data flow for fields, and so on.

How do I check a method in IntelliJ?

When you search for usages of a method implementation with this dialog Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F7 , IntelliJ IDEA will ask whether you want to search for the base method or method's implementations.

Got the final answer.

Just Ctrl +P in Windows/Linux

or +P in macOS.

To view the method parameters

  1. Place the caret anywhere within the call of the desired method or function.
  2. Choose View | Parameter Info on the main menu or press Ctrl+P.

To configure the behavior of the view parameter information functionality

  1. Open the IDE Settings and click Code Completion below the Editor node.
  2. In the Parameter info section, define the following options:

    • To have a complete method or function signature shown rather than a list of required types, select the Show full signatures check box. Make sure to include the required third-party libraries in the project source path. Otherwise, names of the parameters will not be displayed.

    • To have the list of parameter types for the called method or function shown automatically after a certain delay, select the Auto pop-up (in ms) check box and specify the time period in milliseconds.

If you have non-standard bindings (or want to change what this is bound to), then look here:

Settings > Keymap > Main menu > View > Tool Windows > Parameter Info

And see what the binding is and/or change it to what you want.

Default shortcut to show parameter info in IDEA is ctrl+P.

Here is a sheet from JetBrains with this and other useful keyboard shortcuts: https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/intellij-idea/docs/IntelliJIDEA_ReferenceCard.pdf