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Difference between Java Enumeration and Iterator

People also ask

Is enumerator same as Iterator?

Remove() method : The major difference between Iterator and Enumeration is that Iterator has the remove() method while Enumeration does not have remove() method. Enumeration interface acts as a read only interface, one can not do any modifications to Collection while traversing the elements of the Collection.

Which is faster Enumeration or Iterator?

Iterator is used to iterate most of the classes in the collection framework like ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap, LinkedList etc. Enumeration is fail-safe in nature. Iterator is fail-fast in nature. Enumeration is not safe and secured due to it's fail-safe nature.

What is the difference between Iterator and iterable in Java?

Iterator is an interface, which has implementation for iterate over elements. Iterable is an interface which provides Iterator.

What is an Iterator in Java?

An Iterator is an object that can be used to loop through collections, like ArrayList and HashSet. It is called an "iterator" because "iterating" is the technical term for looping. To use an Iterator, you must import it from the java. util package.

Looking at the Java API Specification for the Iterator interface, there is an explanation of the differences between Enumeration:

Iterators differ from enumerations in two ways:

  • Iterators allow the caller to remove elements from the underlying collection during the iteration with well-defined semantics.
  • Method names have been improved.

The bottom line is, both Enumeration and Iterator will give successive elements, but Iterator improved the method names by shortening away the verbiage, and it has an additional remove method. Here is a side-by-side comparison:

  Enumeration                     Iterator
  ----------------                ----------------
  hasMoreElements()               hasNext()
  nextElement()                   next()
  N/A                             remove()

As also mentioned in the Java API Specifications, for newer programs, Iterator should be preferred over Enumeration, as "Iterator takes the place of Enumeration in the Java collections framework." (From the Iterator specifications.)

Iterators are fail-fast . i.e. when one thread changes the collection by add / remove operations , while another thread is traversing it through an Iterator using hasNext() or next() method, the iterator fails quickly by throwing ConcurrentModificationException . The fail-fast behavior of iterators can be used only to detect bugs. The Enumerations returned by the methods of classes like Hashtable, Vector are not fail-fast that is achieved by synchronizing the block of code inside the nextElement() method that locks the current Vector object which costs lots of time.

"Officially", they are supposed to be similar with the iterator interface supporting extra operations (e.g., removal). Generally, the tendency is to use iterators.

Here is from the enumeration interface javadocs:

NOTE: The functionality of this interface is duplicated by the Iterator interface. In addition, Iterator adds an optional remove operation, and has shorter method names. New implementations should consider using Iterator in preference to Enumeration.

One simple fact but haven't mentioned in previous answers is that Iterator<T> is used with Iterable<T> to serve in interpreting for(_type_ element:collection){...} structure.

There is basic three difference in Enumeration and Iterator

1. it is use for only lagacy class(eg. Vector)

    Enumeration e = v.elements();  
    v is the object of `Vector` class

2. Read operation can be perform, we can not remove element.
3. Two Method are available

  • public boolean hasNextElement();
  • public Object nextElement();


  1. it is applicable for all Collection

    Iterator itr = c.iterator();  
    where c is any `Collection` class
  2. Read and Remove operation can be perform

  3. Three Method are available

    • public boolean hasNext();
    • public Object next();
    • public void remove();

Limition in both

  • Move only forward direction
  • There is no any methods for Add object and Replace object

1) The main difference between Iterator and Enumeration is removal of the element while traversing the collection. Iterator can remove the element during traversal of collection as it has remove() method. Enumeration does not have remove() method.

2) Enumeration is fail-safe in nature. It does not throw ConcurrentModificationException if Collection is modified during the traversal. Iterator is fail-fast in nature. It throws ConcurrentModificationException if a Collection is modified while iterating other than its own remove() method.

3) Enumeration is a legacy interface which is used for traversing Vector, Hashtable. Iterator is not a legacy interface. Iterator can be used for the traversal of HashMap, LinkedList, ArrayList, HashSet, TreeMap, TreeSet .