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How to show header of ListView when its empty

I am developing the following screen

enter image description here

The fourboxes next to each other are buttons. On clicking of the buttons I am changing the adapter of the listview.

Since the content above the listview took up lot of space I made the whole thing as an header and added it via code.

   myPollsList = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listArea);
myPollsList.addHeaderView(getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.profile_listview_header, null));

Now I want to show some view when the list is empty. But if I do that then the header also goes away.

I am using this in a Activity and not a ListActivity. Any suggestions or workarounds for showing the header even when the list is empty ?

EDIT: Refer to my earlier question here ListView not getting space to show content on smaller screens . This is where someone suggested me to solve the problem by putting it as a header

like image 927
MarutiB Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 13:08


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2 Answers

I found a simple solution for this problem. If there's no elements for list and you are not adding the adapter, just add this:


and the header will appear. It's easier than adding empty / fake item to the list.

like image 107
Jesus Christ Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

Jesus Christ

So this is how I solved it. I had a custom adapter which was connected to the listview. When it found that it had zero items to display. It would add a fake empty view as an item to the list.

like image 25
MarutiB Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
