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how to shade before compile with SBT?

Our project mainly consists of two parts

  • Build.scala where the root project lies
  • BuildShaded.scala where some external dependencies are shaded with sbt-assembly. The shaded jars will be depended upon by sub projects under the root project through unmanagedJars setting.

The question is how to assembly the shaded project before compiling the root project. Otherwise, the root project will fail to compile since those classes in the shaded jars are not available.

like image 616
manuzhang Avatar asked Nov 03 '16 08:11


1 Answers

As I said in the comments, I would take a different route. If you take on the dependencies as managed dependencies, you can shade them both in the library itself and inside your project.

Let's see an example:

Assume that I have a project which takes dependency on com.typesafe.config. I can shade it inside it's own library, meaning inside the code of com.typesafe.config, and also in the consuming library.

You define it like this:

assemblyShadeRules in assembly ++= Seq(
  ShadeRule.rename("com.typesafe.config.**" -> "my_conf.@1")
    .inLibrary("com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.0")

Which basically means "take any package that beings with com.typesafe.config and shade it to my_conf."

Note that we're using both inLibrary and inProject. The former means "change the package names and references to them inside com.typesafe.config" and inProject means "change all references to com.typesafe.config inside my code".

Now, the output of that looks like this:

This is how the package internally looks now (my_conf was originally com.typesafe.config before shading):

Typesafe Config code

And this is the package your code will reference:

Your Code

like image 182
Yuval Itzchakov Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Yuval Itzchakov