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How to setup conditional relationship on Eloquent

I have this (simplified) table structure:

- id
- type (institutions or agents)

- id
- user_id
- name

- id
- user_id
- name

And I need to create a profile relationship on the Users model, but the following doesn't work:

class User extends Model
    public function profile()
        if ($this->$type === 'agents')
            return $this->hasOne('AgentProfile');
            return $this->hasOne('InstitutionProfile');

How could I achieve something like that?

like image 849
Ju Nogueira Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 21:04

Ju Nogueira

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1 Answers

Lets take a different approach in solving your problem. First lets setup relationship for the various models respectively.

class User extends Model
    public function agentProfile()
        return $this->hasOne(AgentProfile::class);

    public function institutionProfile()
        return $this->hasOne(InstitutionProfile::class);

    public function schoolProfile()
        return $this->hasOne(SchoolProfile::class);

    public function academyProfile()
        return $this->hasOne(AcademyProfile::class);

    // create scope to select the profile that you want
    // you can even pass the type as a second argument to the 
    // scope if you want
    public function scopeProfile($query)
        return $query
              ->when($this->type === 'agents',function($q){
                  return $q->with('agentProfile');
             ->when($this->type === 'school',function($q){
                  return $q->with('schoolProfile');
             ->when($this->type === 'academy',function($q){
                  return $q->with('academyProfile');
                 return $q->with('institutionProfile');

Now you can access your profile like this


This should give you the right profile. Hope it helps.

like image 191
oseintow Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09
