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How to set value in a variable of "use variables" using javascript in Klipfolio Dashboard?

I need to set data from HTML Component in a variable of Klipfolio using javascript as I am using a plugin for multiple selection from a dropdown box. I couldn't find any way to do that.

I tried with "set" method and other method, but it didn't work out for me.

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Sourav Mondal Avatar asked Jun 25 '15 11:06

Sourav Mondal

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1 Answers

The dashboard has a function on it called "setDashboardProp". This function takes the following inputs:

  1. scope: (Values: 1 = Klip Scope, 2 = Tab Scope, 3 = Dashboard Scope, 4 = User)
  2. name
  3. value
  4. xid (klip or tab identifier)
  5. secondaryId (tab identifier) (when scope == 1, tab)

So to set a tab scope variable named currentMax to 10 use the following call:


Check that value was set using getDashboardProp:


I would suggest using the browser console in developer tools in either Chrome or Firefox to test out these calls before including in a Klip.

like image 90
PedalCode Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
