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Detect support for background-attachment: fixed?

Is there a way to detect browser support for background-attachment: fixed?

Edit: Although this feature is widely supported on desktop browsers it is poorly supported on portable devices which I why I would like to be able to detect the feature.

like image 972
Malcr001 Avatar asked Jan 01 '13 23:01


People also ask

What does background-attachment fixed mean?

fixed : Specifies that the background image will be fixed against the containing block and will not scroll. inherit : If set, the associated element takes computed value of its parent element's background-attachment property. Initial values. scroll. Applies to.

What are the two values of background-attachment property?

The background-attachment property is used to specify that the background image is fixed or scroll with the rest of the page in the browser window. This property has three values scroll, fixed, and local. Its default value is scroll, which causes the element to not scroll with its content.

How do I fix the background image in HTML?

Set a background image using the HTML body elementAdd the bgproperties="fixed" code into the body element, as shown below. Next, add the background="location" attribute to the body tag, where location is the relative or absolute URL of the image. In the above example, background="bg.

How many values does the background-attachment property can take?

The background-attachment property in CSS specifies how to move the background relative to the viewport. There are three values: scroll , fixed , and local .

2 Answers

When you use { background-attachment:fixed } current mobile devices will not display the background image at all! To ensure the image is displayed on all mobile devices, you need to test for support, and if not supported to set the background-attachment property to either 'initial' (i.e. default state) or 'scroll' (which is the default state).


The bad news:

It's currently impossible to directly and specifically test for support of fixed backgrounds because mobile browsers will incorrectly report that they do support it. To see this bug for yourself, load this test in a mobile browser:


function supportsCSS(value) {
    try {
        var style = document.body.style;
        if (!("backgroundAttachment" in style)) return false;
        var oldValue = style.backgroundAttachment;
        style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
        var isSupported = (style.backgroundAttachment === value);
        style.backgroundAttachment = oldValue;
        return isSupported;
    catch (e) {
        return false;

var el = document.getElementById('result');
var txt = '<b>This device &amp; broswer supports:</b><br>';
txt += '{ background-attachment:fixed; } : ' + supportsCSS('fixed') + '<br>';
txt +=  { background-attachment:foo; } : ' + supportsCSS('foo');

el.innerHTML = txt;

based on code originally written by: @chao

The limited options:

It is possible to indirectly test for support with multiple methods.

Option 1: Remove fixed background on small screens

This option uses a CSS media query to target smaller screens to overwrite the style on devices with screen widths of 1024px or smaller (devices likely to render fixed backgrounds as invisible). The advantages of this option are: it's very lightweight and only requires a little bit of CSS:

#some_element {
     background-attachment: fixed;

@media all and (max-device-width: 1024px) {
     overwrite property for devices with 
     screen width of 1024px or smaller  
     #some_element {
          background-attachment: scroll;

Unfortunately, there are a small number of tablet brands with screen widths of 1280px and 1366px, which overlap with the smallest desktop screens (sort this list by CSS Height). The safest play is to use a scrolling background for this overlap area so that the background image is guaranteed to display. If you want to play it safe, use max-device-width: 1366px. However, the number of people using these giant tablets is much smaller than the number of people with small screen laptops.

Option 2: test for touch events and mouse events

This option uses JS to test if the browser supports the touch events API, and is therefore more likely than not to be on a touch screen device (a device more likely than not to render fixed backgrounds as invisible). This is the heavy weight option. It requires Modernizr and jQuery:

if(Modernizr.touch) {
  // this browser claims to support touch, so remove fixed background

Unfortunately, this option also has a gray area. Some browsers give a false positive and some give a false negative. You could test for a mouse event, such as:

  // this device (touch or not) has a mouse, so revert to fixed background

However, it's possible that a mouse has been attached to a touch-screen laptop that doesn't support fixed backgrounds, so that code adds risk.

like image 104
mattthew Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09


You might look at document.body.style and make sure that

  • there's a property there called "backgroundAttachment", and
  • you can set it to "fixed", and it retains its value when you do so.

Chrome, FF, Opera, and Safari all ignore attempts to set the property to an invalid value. IE9 throws an exception when you try. So if either one happens, that value definitely isn't supported. (If the browser just blindly sets the value and retains it, then it still might not work. But at that point, you really can't the browser to tell you much anyway.)

function supportsFixedBackground() {
    try {
        var style = document.body.style;
        if (!("backgroundAttachment" in style)) return false;
        var oldValue = style.backgroundAttachment;
        style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
        var isSupported = (style.backgroundAttachment === "fixed");
        style.backgroundAttachment = oldValue;
        return isSupported;
    catch (e) {
        return false;

I don't bother with IE6 anymore, and don't have another browser handy that doesn't support fixed backgrounds, so i'm unable to test setting "fixed".

like image 22
cHao Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
