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How to work around Safari 10.1 error "Failed to send WebSocket frame"?

It seems that the WebSocket API in Safari 10.1 has a maximum amount of binary data that it can buffer and then the next message sent gets the error "WebSocket connection to ... failed: Failed to send WebSocket frame."

Safari then closes the connection with code 1006 (CLOSE_ABNORMAL).

WebSockets are supposed to report the bufferedAmount - but Safari always reports 0 until after the error occurs and the connection is closed.

I tried just doing 100ms a setTimeout between each message, and that seems to work in the case of small chunks of data, but it seems brittle and large chunks still get errors when I send my closing JSON message, even with a longer delay.

You can see the bug in action here - the "Play Sample" buttons work in Safari 10.03 but error in 10.1. (Code that handles the WebSocket connection.)

Any ideas on how to work around this? Or what the limit even is? I know that Safari is Open Source, but I'm not sure where to look.

Update: here's a simpler example:

// this fails in Safari 10.1 but works in 10.03 (and other browsers)
var ws = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org');

ws.onerror = function(evt) {
  // Not sure why, but error events seem to have no useful information
  // The console, however, will have the following error:
  // WebSocket connection to 'wss://echo.websocket.org/' failed: Failed to send WebSocket frame.
  console.log("WebSocket error - see console for message");
ws.onclose = function(evt) {
  console.log(`WebSocket closed with code: ${evt.code}, reason: ${evt.reason}`);

ws.onopen = function() {
  console.log('sending first binary message');
  ws.send(new Uint8Array(23085));
  console.log('bufferedAmount is ' + ws.bufferedAmount);

  // this gets the error
  console.log('sending second binary message');
  ws.send(new Uint8Array(23085));
  console.log('bufferedAmount is ' + ws.bufferedAmount);

  console.log('sending third binary message');
  ws.send(new Uint8Array(23085));
  console.log('bufferedAmount is ' + ws.bufferedAmount);



The second message gets an error closes the connection, and after the third message, bufferedAmount is 23093.

like image 790
Nathan Friedly Avatar asked Apr 03 '17 21:04

Nathan Friedly

People also ask

How do I get rid of websocket error?

Simply go to control panel in your system and select java and uninstall. Then go to google and download latest java 8 update 162 32 bit java. Download Java in install in your system. Restart one your system your issue resolve successfully.

What causes websocket connection error?

The most common cause of Websocket error is when you connect to DSS through a proxy. Websockets is a fairly recent protocol and many enterprise proxies do not support it. The websocket connection will not establish and you will see this message.

What does websocket error mean?

A WebSocket error indicates a problem with the connection between your Ledger device and the Ledger Live application. Some users have reported facing this error message by using Ledger Live in places with restricted internet access.

1 Answers

I tried your real world link on Safari 10.1.2 and did not see the problem. Seems it has been fixed.

like image 196
Jingshao Chen Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10

Jingshao Chen