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How to set up Typegoose

How do I setup Typegoose for a NodeJs REST API and typescript?

I always get weird error messages like MongoParseError: Incomplete key value pair for option or I do not receive any data, although there are some.

Can someone provide a complete example ?

like image 302
Frederic Reisenhauer Avatar asked Nov 11 '18 01:11

Frederic Reisenhauer

1 Answers

If you want to programm an API under the following conditions, you can use the provided minimal example below:

Conditions: NodeJS Typescript MongoDB (locally)


If you are working with typescript, a project structure, similar to this is recommended:

├── dist
|   ├── (your compiled JS)
├── src
|   ├── models
|   |   ├── user.model.ts
|   ├── user-repository.ts
|   ├── app.ts
|   ├── index.ts
├── test
|   ├── (your tests)

Furthermore, it's required to install the following packages

npm install --save typescript mongoose express @types/express @types/mongoose typegoose


This file, I just have for bootstraping purposes

import app from './app';

const port = 3000;

app.listen(port, (err) => {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);
    return console.log('Server up and running on ' + port);


Here, the actual logic is going on

import { UserRepository } from './user-repository';
import * as express from 'express';

export class App {
    public app;

    constructor() {
        this.app = express();

    private mountRoutes() {
        // Definition of the possible API routes
            .get((req, res) => {
                var repo = new UserRepository();
                // we catch the result with the typical "then"
                repo.getUsers().then((x) => {
                    // .json(x) instead of .send(x) should also be okay

        //               here with parameter
        //                      |
        //                      v
            .get((req, res) => {
                var repo = new UserRepository();

                repo.getUser(req.params.id).then((x) => {

export default new App().app;


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { User, UserModel } from './models/user.model';

export class UserRepository {
    constructor() {
        //                protocol  host      port  database
        //                   |       |         |        |
        //                   v       v         v        v
        // this only works, if your mongodb has no auth configured
        // if you need authentication, use the following:
        // mongoose.connect(MONGO_URL, {
        //     auth: {
        //         user: MONGO_DB_USER,
        //         password: MONGO_DB_PASSWORD
        //     },
        // })

    async getUser(id: number): Promise<User> {
        //                  json query object as usual
        //                               |
        //                               v
        return UserModel.findOne({"userId": id});

    async getUsers(): Promise<User[]> {
        return UserModel.find({});


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { prop, Typegoose } from 'typegoose';

export class User extends Typegoose{
    // properties
    // |
    // v
    userId: number;
    firstname?: string;
    lastname: string;
    email: string;

export const UserModel = new User().getModelForClass(User, {
    existingMongoose: mongoose,
    //  had many problems without that definition of the collection name
    //  so better define it
    //                        |
    //                        v
    schemaOptions: {collection: 'users'}

As obvious, I had a mongodb running locally, having a database called mongotest and inside that a collection called users.

like image 189
Frederic Reisenhauer Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10

Frederic Reisenhauer