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How to set up cloudboost in android app with my own server?

I am new in cloud boost.

I am using cloud boost in my android application for chat feature.

We have integrated cloud boost SDK on our server.

Now I want to use cloud boost in my android app with my server URL but I am not able to init CloupApp with custom URL. I have also tried following method but it not work.

CloudApp.init(appId, appKey);

Can someone help me with this?

like image 947
Nivrutti Pawar Avatar asked Apr 14 '18 10:04

Nivrutti Pawar

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If you want to enable HTTPS, place your certificate file cert.crt and key key.key in the config folder. Step 7 : Run the server. Make sure both Redis and MongoDB are running and then run the CloudBoost server Once the server is running. You'll see the ClusterKey and SecureKey on the console which means you've successfully started CloudBoost.

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CloudBoost runs on MongoDB and Redis. You're responsible for managing the uptime, replication, sharding, backups of your data in each of these databases. You also need to update CloudBoost with every new release and you need to configure your server to auto-scale it.

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You can install CloudBoost anywhere you like. We have a Docker Compose file that can help you get started with CloudBoost in few minutes and with just one command. You can use this compose file to install the service locally on your local dev machine, or you can install the service to Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean, Softlayer, Packet and more.

1 Answers

The library does not support Java/Android and other languages - it only supports Javascript language.

Issue on GitHub: https://github.com/CloudBoost/JavaSDK/issues/9

like image 138
Nivrutti Pawar Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Nivrutti Pawar