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Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden

I use io.fabric8.kubernetes-client, version 3.1.8 to do RollingUpdate of kubernetes resource. It is fine for Deployment. But I meet an exception for StatefulSet. But it is also fine if I use 'kubectl apply -f ***.yaml' for the StatefulSet.

Code to RollingUpdate Deployment:

public void createOrReplaceResourceByYaml(String namespace, KubernetesResource resource) {
  KubernetesClient client = k8sRestClient.newKubeClient();
  Deployment deployment = (Deployment) resource;
  logger.info(String.format("Create/Replace Deployment [%s] in namespace [%s].", ((Deployment) resource).getMetadata().getName(), namespace));
  NonNamespaceOperation<Deployment, DeploymentList, DoneableDeployment, ScalableResource<Deployment, DoneableDeployment>> deployments = client.extensions().deployments().inNamespace(namespace);
  Deployment result = deployments.createOrReplace(deployment);
  logger.info(String.format("Created/Replaced Deployment [%s].", result.getMetadata().getName()));

Code to RollingUpdate StatefulSet

public void createOrReplaceResourceByYaml(String namespace, KubernetesResource resource) {
  KubernetesClient client = k8sRestClient.newKubeClient();
  StatefulSet statefulSet = (StatefulSet) resource;
  logger.info(String.format("Create/Replace StatefulSet [%s] in namespace [%s].", statefulSet.getMetadata().getName(), namespace));
  NonNamespaceOperation<StatefulSet, StatefulSetList, DoneableStatefulSet, RollableScalableResource<StatefulSet, DoneableStatefulSet>> statefulSets = client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace(namespace);
  StatefulSet result = statefulSets.createOrReplace(statefulSet);
  logger.info(String.format("Created/Replaced StatefulSet [%s].", result.getMetadata().getName()));

Exception when do RollingUpdate of StatefulSet

Failure executing: PUT at: https://kubernetes.default.svc/apis/apps/v1beta1/namespaces/itsma1/statefulsets/pro-rabbitmq. Message: StatefulSet.apps "pro-rabbitmq" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden.. Received status: Status(apiVersion=v1, code=422, details=StatusDetails(causes=[StatusCause(field=spec, message=Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden., reason=FieldValueForbidden, additionalProperties={})], group=apps, kind=StatefulSet, name=pro-rabbitmq, retryAfterSeconds=null, uid=null, additionalProperties={}), kind=Status, message=StatefulSet.apps "pro-rabbitmq" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden., metadata=ListMeta(resourceVersion=null, selfLink=null, additionalProperties={}), reason=Invalid, status=Failure, additionalProperties={}).

I am curious why the error happened and how to fix it.

like image 227
Cain Avatar asked Mar 16 '18 01:03


People also ask

How do I upgrade StatefulSet?

You can stage an update to a StatefulSet by using the partition parameter of the RollingUpdate update strategy. A staged update will keep all of the Pods in the StatefulSet at the current version while allowing mutations to the StatefulSet's . spec. template .

What is the use of StatefulSet in Kubernetes?

StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods. Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec.

Which service is used in StatefulSet?

You can use StatefulSets to deploy stateful applications and clustered applications that save data to persistent storage, such as Compute Engine persistent disks. StatefulSets are suitable for deploying Kafka, MySQL, Redis, ZooKeeper, and other applications needing unique, persistent identities and stable hostnames.

How do I apply StatefulSet?

To create a StatefulSet resource, use the kubectl apply command. The kubectl apply command uses manifest files to create, update, and delete resources in your cluster. This is a declarative method of object configuration.

1 Answers

You can try this to update the StatefulSet

client.apps().statefulSets().withName("repl1").rolling().withTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).updateImage("");

If you want to only scale, you can try this

client.apps().statefulSets().withName("repl1").scale(5, true);

like image 99
Piyush G Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 13:11

Piyush G