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How to set two decimal point into Bar Entry in Mp android Bar Chart in Android

How to set J SON data in bar entry in two decimal point?

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Anand Gaur Avatar asked Dec 20 '17 06:12

Anand Gaur

1 Answers

You can use The ValueFormatter interface

The IValueFormatter interface can be used to create custom-made formatter classes that allow to format values within the chart (from DataSets) in a specific way before drawing them.

For using the IValueFormatter, simply create a new class and let it implement the interface and return whatever you want to be displayed from the getFormattedValue(...) method.

Creating a Formatter

public class MyValueFormatter implements IValueFormatter {

    private DecimalFormat mFormat;

    public MyValueFormatter() {
        mFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.0"); // use one decimal

    public String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex, ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
        // write your logic here
        return mFormat.format(value) + " $"; // e.g. append a dollar-sign

Then, set your formatter to the ChartData or DataSet object:

// usage on whole data object
lineData.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter());

// usage on individual dataset object
lineDataSet.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter());

Predefined Formatters

  • LargeValueFormatter: Can be used for formatting large values > "1.000". It will turn values like "1.000" into "1k", "1.000.000" will be "1m" (million), "" will be "1b" (billion) and values like one trillion will be e.g. "1t".

  • PercentFormatter: Used for displaying a "%" sign after each value with 1 decimal digit. Especially useful for the PieChart. 50 -> 50.0 %

  • StackedValueFormatter: A formatter specifically designed to be used with stacked BarChart. It allows to specify whether all stack values should be drawn or just the top value.

like image 199
Fenil Patel Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Fenil Patel