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How to set the value of GhostDown Markdown editor

I'm working on a simple note taking application and using GhostDown Markdown editor. It's pretty nice, I like it, but I am stuck trying to set it's value programatically.

I can get values out pretty easily. $('.entry-markdown-content textarea').val()

Setting it however is another story... :(

Prototype of what I'm working on can be seen at http://potusnotes.com

like image 535
Serhiy Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 22:10


1 Answers

For the editor part, Ghost-Markdown-Editor uses CodeMirror editor. So, to set value programmatically, we would call CodeMirror's instance and do


But how to get that CM instance? It was created by the widget with which Ghost-Markdown-Editor was created. See jquery.ghostdown.js file:

$.widget( "b4m.ghostDown", {
    editor: null,
    // ...
    _create: function() {
        // ...
        this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.element.find('textarea')[0], {
            mode: 'markdown',
            tabMode: 'indent',
            lineWrapping: true


As the widget was made with jQuery Widget factory, a widget instance is kept inside .data("plugin-name") element of the object it was used on.

Thus we can access widget instance and set editor value like this:

var ghostdown = $(".editor").data("b4m-ghostDown");
ghostdown.editor.setValue("# Hello, SO");

Or simply

$(".editor").data("b4m-ghostDown").editor.setValue("# Hello, SO");
like image 93
Vaviloff Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10
