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How to set the starting position of a ScrollView?

I have been trying to set the initial position of a scroll View but have not found a way. Does anyone have any ideas? Also I have a GoogleMaps fragment as a children of the scroll View.



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RyanCW Avatar asked Mar 10 '14 17:03


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1 Answers

Yes, that is possible:

ScrollView.scrollTo(int x, int y);
ScrollView.smoothScrollTo(int x, int y);
ScrollView.smoothScrollBy(int x, int y);

can be used for that. The x and y parameters are the coordinates to scroll to on the horizontal and vertical axis.

Example in code:

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ScrollView sv = (ScrollView) findViewById(R.id.scrollView);
        sv.scrollTo(0, 100);

In that example, once the Activity is started, your ScrollView will be scrolled down 100 pixels.

You can also try to delay the scrolling process:

final ScrollView sv = (ScrollView) findViewById(R.id.scrollView);

Handler h = new Handler();

h.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

    public void run() {
        sv.scrollTo(0, 100);            
}, 250); // 250 ms delay
like image 66
Philipp Jahoda Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10

Philipp Jahoda