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How to set the search results color of ideavim in pycharm?

Recently I switch from vim to Pycharm to program and have installed ideavim plugin. It works well in most cases. When I search for a text, it finds the result, but the searching result has no highlighting color, e.g. I typed 'first_pos' in the command line, and the result shows, but no highlighting color in the word (sorry I can not post image...).

How to change the search result color of ideavim? Thanks.

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user1955023 Avatar asked Jul 17 '15 03:07


1 Answers

Try this in the console:

:set hls

Taken from this related question: PhpStorm IdeaVim highlight and jump to search term before hitting enter (like Sublime Text or Vim)

like image 147
Dan Cornilescu Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Dan Cornilescu